The first picture

New residential quarter

In the historical spa city of Teplice

Interior 1

Modern living

materials of high quality and new technologies


Near the SPA center

few minutes far away from the most beautiful parts of the city

The second picture

Wide range of apartments

from cosy ones to apartments with a balcony or a terrace


SPA and medical center

wide range of spas for your relaxation

Interior 2

You are secured

CCTV and limited entry into the compound

The third picture

Everything for your comfort

a parc, a maternity school, a shop or a playground


Green and cosy oasis

at the calm place with a beatiful sight

Letná Belveder - Žijte v pohodlí a kráse

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Live in comfort and beautifulness

Modern housing

New concept of living with extended range of services for your comfortable life.

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Excellent location

The building is situated in the calm part of the city of Teplice, surrounded by beautiful nature.

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Everything for your comfort

Complete range of amenities and services available thanks to the perfect location of the building.

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Construction procedure

Procedure of the construction - June 2015

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Phase 1




8 497,7
Total m²

autumn 2015
Completion date

New teplice quarter letná-belveder

The structure of the construction and its context is a guarantee for Letná-Belveder to be a prestigious place to live in with a high potential of growth.

Yet it is not a private and proprietary quarter, but rather a quarter following-up neighbouring residential housebuilding in Letná area. This location is widely popular thanks to its calmness, but also to its accessibility either to city center and highway, both a few minutes far away. When constructing Letná-Belveder, there will be taken into account the preservation of the contemporary state of the environment, which has a positive impact on inhabitants.

You will enjoy living here



Prodej zahájen a úspěšně pokračuje

Po provedené kolaudaci bytových domů, se postupně podařilo obydlet a osídlit část lokality, a to zejména ve vrchní části ul. Albrechtova, kde první tři obytné domy v rámci podnikatelské činnosti investora, byly pronajmuty , postupně celkem již 24 jednotlivým nájemcům. Tato fáze podnájmu podpořila oživení celé lokality, pohyb lidí, dětí a průjezdy automobilů změnili "stavbu"  v obydlenou zónu, kde dýchá život. V návaznosti na toto osídlení se podařilo zahájit i jendotlivý prodej bytových jednotek, který pokračuje a postupně se podařilo prodat k dnešnímu dni 9 bytových jednotel novým majitelům 


Сдача квартир в аренду

С 1.11.2015 сдаем квартиры в аренду.

Цены квартир в аренду :

1+КК - 6000,-крон/ месяц + газ и электричество оплачивает арендатор сам .

2+КК - 8000,-крон/ месяц + газ и электричество оплачивает арендатор сам .

3+КК+ Балкон  - 9000,-крон/ месяц + газ и электричество оплачивает арендатор сам .

3+КК+ Терраса - 11000,-крон/ месяц + газ и электричество оплачивает арендатор сам .


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Letná Belveder - Žijte v pohodlí a kráse © 2024 Letná Belveder

Investor T-Stav group

+420 775 214 905

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In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

Or you can call us immediately:

+420 775 214 905